MA63: Special Grant for Sabah – Article 112D

(MA63: Geran Khas Untuk Sabah – Artikel 112D)


The Federal and Sabah state government has recently come to an agreement on increasing the special grant for Sabah after a review of Article 112D of the Federal Constitution. From the agreement, the special grant will increase to RM125.6 million for the year 2022 compared to RM26.7 million previously, with the amount to increase every year for the period of 2023-2026 at a mutually agreed rate.


Kerajaan Persekutuan dan negeri Sabah baru-baru ini telah mencapai persetujuan untuk menaikkan pemberian khas kepada Sabah selepas kajian semula Perkara 112D Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Daripada perjanjian itu, pemberian khas tersebut akan meningkat kepada RM125.6 juta bagi tahun 2022 berbanding RM26.7 juta sebelum ini, dengan jumlah yang terus meningkat setiap tahun bagi tempoh 2023-2026 pada kadar yang dipersetujui bersama.


Are you aware with the increase in special grant for Sabah?

Soalan 1: Adakah anda sedar dengan kenaikan geran khas untuk Sabah?


Do you think the increase in special grant for Sabah will have a positive effect on Sabah’s development overall?

Soalan 2: Adakah dengan kenaikan geran khas untuk Sabah akan memberi kesan positif kepada pembangunan Sabah secara keseluruhan?


Are you satisfied with the state government’s efforts to reinstate Sabah’s, rights?

Soalan 3: Adakah anda berpuas hati dengan usaha Kerajaan Negeri untuk mengembalikan semula hak Sabah?

NOTE: The Objective of the poll is to capture public opinions and sentiments on a wide range of current issues facing Sabah; publish the results of the poll online; and share with the public and government the prevailing sentiments in the State. Respondents may choose to participate in the poll anonymously or enter their email address at the end of the poll.

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