Dissolution of Sabah State Assembly

(Pembubaran Kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri, DUN Sabah)


On 30 July 2020, the State Secretary published the government gazette regarding the dissolution of the Sabah State Assembly (DUN). His Excellency’s Declaration Gazette (TYT) di-Pertua Negeri Sabah Tun Juhar Mahirudin recommended the dissolution of the Sabah DUN and the State Election (PRN) must be held within 60 days. The government’s action through the decision is the current political scenario that is happening in Sabah. A total of 73 seats will be contested following the addition of 13 new seats approved by Parliament last year.


Pada 30 Julai 2020, Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri telah menyiarkan warta kerajaan berhubung pembubaran Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Sabah. Warta perisytiharan Tuan Yang Terutama (TYT) yang di-Pertua Negeri Sabah Tun Juhar Mahirudin memperakukan pembubaran DUN Sabah dan Pilihan Raya Negeri (PRN) perlu diadakan dalam jangka masa 60 hari. Tindakan kerajaan melalui keputusan tersebut merupakan senario politik semasa yang berlaku di Sabah. Sebanyak 73 kerusi akan dipertandingkan susulan penambahan 13 kerusi baru yang diluluskan Parlimen tahun lepas.


Do you agree with the dissolution of the Sabah DUN?

Soalan 1: Adakah anda bersetuju dengan pembubaran DUN Sabah? 


Do you agree that the PRN in Sabah was held during the period of the Rehabilitation Movement Control Order (PKPP)?

Soalan 2: Adakah anda bersetuju bahawa PRN di Sabah diadakan semasa tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Pemulihan (PKPP)?


In your opinion, what is the best step that should be taken in terms of state law to elected representatives who jump to another party? (Choose ONE answer ONLY).

  • P1:Resigned and re-held by-elections.

  • P2: Resign and the party that wins the seat will elect another candidate as a temporary replacement.

  • P3: Maintain the position (Status Quo) as an independent party representative.

Soalan 3: Pada pendapat anda, apakah langkah terbaik yang harus diambil dari segi undang-undang negeri kepada wakil rakyat yang melompat ke parti lain? (Pilih SATU jawapan SAHAJA).

  • P1: Meletakkan jawatan dan mengadakan semula pilihan raya kecil.

  • P2: Meletakkan jawatan dan parti yang memenangi kerusi akan memilih seorang calon lain sebagai pengganti sementara.

  • P3: Mengekalkan jawatan (Status Quo) sebagai wakil rakyat parti bebas.

NOTE: The Objective of the poll is to capture public opinions and sentiments on a wide range of current issues facing Sabah; publish the results of the poll online; and share with the public and government the prevailing sentiments in the State. Respondents may choose to participate in the poll anonymously or enter their email address at the end of the poll.

Copyright © 2019 Institute For Development Studies, SABAH.